Are you struggling to stay focused and motivated to achieve your goals? If so, you need an accountability partner! A great accountability partner will help you meet deadlines and achieve goals. Additionally, a good accountability partner will monitor your progress, keep you on track and provide honest feedback. Here are some suggestions for how to find an awesome accountability partner.
When people know that someone is tracking their performance and holding them accountable, they work harder. According to Signature Analytics, studies have shown that having an accountability partner increases your rate of success to 95%. Being held accountable for your actions is what makes the partnerships so effective.
How to Find an Awesome Partner
Anyone can find an accountability partner, but it’s much harder to find an awesome accountability partner. Partner qualities, partnership expectations and knowing where to find a good partner are all factors in the search for the right person.
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Qualities of an Awesome Accountability Partner
There are several qualities to consider when searching for the right accountability partner. Compatibility, objectivity, and availability are factors that will help you find the right person.
A strong accountability partnership is built on compatibility and mutual respect. However, an awesome partnership does not mean partnering with someone just like you. Search for someone who compliments your strengths and can counteract your weaknesses. Find a partner who will naturally motivate you. Select someone you consider trustworthy, honest, and dependable. Look for a partner who communicates well with you.
Make a list of qualities that are deal-breakers for you. If the potential accountability partner does not meet those specific qualities, then continue your search for the right partner. Find a partner who truly cares about your progress.
It’s important to have a person who can be objective and honest in their assessment of your work and progress. Is the person able to objectively review your work? Can he/she provide you with honest feedback in a nonjudgemental way? An awesome accountability partner will provide you with “tough love” when needed in a way that isn’t hurtful.
Availability is key to a successful partnership. Do you have scheduling conflicts with your partner? Can you and your partner find a consistent, regular time to meet? Is your partner showing up to all scheduled meetings? Is the person dependable? A successful partnership will not form if you do not meet on a consistent and routine basis.
Remember that while you are looking for an awesome partner, that person is looking for someone awesome too. Your potential partner will have the same expectations of you. Make sure you are able to hold up your end of the partnership and be dependable, honest and objective.
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Where to Find an Awesome Accountability Partner
I encourage you to stay away from close friends and family as accountability partners. Sometimes getting feedback from someone close to you can cause hurt feelings or lose objectivity in the feedback. Find an accountability partner through virtual or in-person methods.
There are several ways to find a partner: in-person, virtually or through mutual friends. First, meet potential partners by attending on-line seminars and events. Participate in Facebook groups, Slack groups or using specific accountability apps. Second, attend professional conferences, seminars and other in-person events to meet someone face-to-face. Local community activities or events are great for meeting people with similar interests or goals. Lastly, ask a friend or co-worker. They may know of someone who is looking to find an accountability partner.
Set Clear Partnership Expectations
A successful partnership will have clear expectations outlined prior to the beginning of the relationship. Once you have met a potential accountability partner, have an introductory meeting and discuss what each of you expect from your meetings. Based on the introductory meeting, you will be able to determine whether or not they will be a good fit for you.
During your first meeting, work with your potential partner to set rules and expectations for each meeting. Discuss how you would like your partner to hold you accountable and vice versa. Create a standard meeting agenda format that will ensure consistency during each of your meetings.
Questions to consider when when setting expectations and agendas:
- Logistics:
- When will you meet?
- Where will you meet? Virtually or in-person?
- How often will you meet?
- Length of each session?
- How long will this accountability partnership last? Is your goal long-term or will it be accomplished by a certain date?
- Are there specific metrics you will be measuring/reporting to each other?
- How do you want your partner to hold you accountable? Are there certain questions you want them to ask you each time?
- How do you want to format your meeting agenda? Time for each person to discuss their progress from the previous meeting? Goals to complete before the next meeting? Time for brainstorming and feedback?
- Discuss setting a probationary period for 30 or 60 days and then set a date to reevaluate whether or not to continue the partnership. This gives both parties the opportunity to gracefully exit if it’s not working.
The above questions will assist you and your potential partner with determining if this could be a successful partnership.
I encourage you to have an open mind as you look for an accountability partner. It can take several tries before you find just the right fit. If you are not successful the first time around, keep trying! You will find an awesome accountability partner who will help you achieve your goals.
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