Mid-year and annual performance reviews are common practices in most organizations. It’s great to assess your progress at work, but it’s also important to assess your progress in your personal life. Here are easy steps for a personal mid-year assessment to see where you’ve been, where you are going, and if you need to change directions.
In order to live your best, joy- filled life, it is important for you to set personal goals in addition to professional ones. Personal goals help us fulfill our own hopes, dreams and desires. June is the perfect halfway point to reflect on your goals and do a mid-year review.
Your personal mid-year assessment does not need to be complex, intensive, time-consuming or scary. Simply find an hour or so in your schedule to take time to reflect. It’s best if you can schedule 1-2 hours of uninterrupted, quiet time to complete your review. However, that length of time is often impossible for working moms to schedule. So, I suggest using a few of your POWER Pockets throughout the week to complete your review. (You can get the FREE guide by signing up below!)⬇️
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Your mid-year assessment is a simple process:
- Find a quiet area- a place with no interruptions and where you are free to think.
- Grab a pen and paper- so you can write down your thoughts, notes and assessments.
- Bring a copy of your goals- so you can review your specific goals and due dates.
- Review and reflect- review your progress over the last six months.
- Ask questions- use the following questions to guide your personal mid-year assessment.
personal mid-year assessment questions
Use the following questions to help you review your goals, where you’ve been, what you’ve accomplished so far, and if you need to change directions or modify your goals.
Review the past 6 months
Start your mid-year assessment by reviewing what has happened in the last 6 months.
What have I achieved in the past 6 months?
Think about all that you have accomplished over the past 6 months. Have you already met some of your goals? What progress have you made? Celebrate all of your small wins. Those small wins, or smaller goals, are leading you toward your big goals.
It’s great to see where you’ve been and how far you have come. Sometimes it easy to get caught up in all the things we haven’t done. Be sure to stop and celebrate what you have accomplished.
Are my goals still relevant?
Sometimes mid-year reviews are great: you’re crushing goals, meeting deadlines, and moving forward. Sometimes the mid-year reviews highlight your need to pivot and totally change directions.
Look at your current goals. Are they still relevant? Are they still necessary? Do you still desire that outcome? Are your goals taking you in the right direction?
What seems great in January can be not so great in June. The year 2020 is a prime example. The goals I set in December 2019 were no longer valid by March 2020. The pandemic shutdown life as we knew it. Most of my goals and dreams for 2020 were impossible thanks to the pandemic. So, in June 2020, I created all new goals- goals that I knew I could accomplish at home and with limited resources.
While every year won’t be that drastic, life does happen. New scenarios and opportunities arise. Situations change, and sometimes our goals must change too.
Did I face any challenges, obstacles or adversity in the last 6 months?
Just when you think everything is going great, life will throw you a curveball and put a kink your plans. The pandemic is a perfect example of an unforeseen challenge. Think about all of the obstacles and challenges you have faced thus far. How did you handle them? What was the outcome?
What lessons or skills have I learned in the last 6 months?
Think about the lessons you’ve learned or the skills you’ve acquired over the past 6 months while trying to achieve your goals. What valuable insights or nuggets of wisdom did you learn? Did you learn a new skill that will help you achieve your goal faster or perform a task better? How can those lessons and skills help you over the next 6 months as you move toward your goal?
Assess your future
After you’ve reviewed the past 6 months, you are ready to assess where you are going. You can use the following questions to guide you as you analyze your future. These questions can help you determine if you need to make any adjustments in order to complete your goals.
New ideas for how to complete my goals in the next 6 months?
Do you have new ideas for how to accomplish your goals in the next 6 months? Have life lessons or experiences given you new insights in how to best tackle this goal? Have you done additional research and now have fresh, new ideas or perspectives on your goals?
Are there any habits, routines or limiting beliefs I need to change to meet my goals?
If you made little or no progress toward your goals, what hindered you? Do you have any daily habits or routines that are negatively impacting your ability to meet your goals? What do you need to change to meet the unfinished goals?
Are limiting beliefs holding you back? A limiting belief is a negative opinion or belief that you deem to be true about yourself that hinders your progress in some way. Examples include “I’m not smart enough”, “I’m not pretty enough”, or “I’m too old to start a new career”. Do you have limiting beliefs that are holding you back? Identify ways to overcome those limiting beliefs.
How will I handle any challenges, obstacles or adversity that arise over the next 6 months?
Think about all of the challenges you faced in the first 6 months. Based on your experience thus far, what potential challenges or obstacles can you anticipate over the next 6 months? How can you plan ahead to mitigate some of those challenges? Can you pre-plan a response if those challenges do arise? How will you minimize their impact on your ability to achieve your goals?
Do I have all the necessary resources to complete my goals in the next 6 months?
Did a lack of resources such as money, time, support or technology stop you from achieving your goals in the previous 6 months? Think of the resources you will need to complete your goals. If you are lacking the proper resources, how can you acquire them?
Crush your goals!
Goal-setting and mid-year assessments can seem like strange things to get excited about, but reviewing your accomplishments and achievements can be very encouraging.
A mid-year assessment allows you to see where you’ve been, where you are going, and clarify if you need to change directions or goals.
If you didn’t set goals at the beginning of the year, no worries! Now is a great time to start!
You have 6 months left to totally crush 2021!
The goals do not have to be life-altering or complex. While stretch goals are great to have, adding them during the middle of the year is additional stress. Don’t stress yourself out with big goals if you are new to goal-setting.
Keep it simple. Create one or two realistic goals that you would like to accomplish before the end of the year and work to make that happen. Crush your goals!
Ideas include losing 5-10 pounds, drinking 8 glasses of water a day, landing a new client, finding a new job, meeting a sales quota, selling/buying a new home, creating a $1000 emergency fund, paying off a credit card, taking a vacation, running a 5K, or only drinking two cans of Diet Coke each day (yep- that one is mine!).
All of those ideas are realistic, but will take some work and dedication on your part. They’re not outrageous or totally overwhelming. They are possible.
So, grab a pen, paper and your goals. Utilize a few of your POWER Pockets to complete this review. Find a quiet spot and spend some time performing your personal mid-year assessment to see all you’ve accomplished and how to keep moving forward.
POWER Pockets™ are 15-30 minute gaps that you fill with important tasks so you can find more time! POWER Pockets™ provide a great opportunity for you to work on your personal mid-year assessment. Grab your FREE guide below to learn how to turn your idle gaps into productive time!