Do you want more free time to do the things you love? Your lunch break is an excellent way to reclaim some free time each evening. I’ve discovered 4 easy tips to help create a productive lunch break and rescue your time!
While trying to find my own free time, I realized that many of the tasks performed each evening at home could actually be completed during daytime hours. Using my “downtime” during the workday enabled me to get more tasks done before I arrived home. I call those gaps of time POWER Pockets. I stopped working so much at home each evening and started spending more time with my family. It was a game-changer for me and can be one for you too!
A productive lunch break will not eliminate all tasks you need to do at home, but it will greatly lighten the load. Instead of spending an hour at the grocery store after work, you can order your food online and have it ready for pick up or delivery. By ordering groceries online during your lunch break, you immediately save at least one hour of time that evening.
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Little time-saving actions like the grocery example add up to more free time each evening to do the things you love!
- Pay your bills
- Run quick errands (post office, dry cleaning, bank, etc.)
- Order your groceries and schedule pick-up or delivery
- Meal plan
Of course, sometimes we mommas just need a break. I routinely use a lunch break to unwind when my workday is stressful and demanding. But most days, free time at home outweighs the free time during lunch so I spend my lunchtime completing tasks.
Of course, a lunch break can only be super productive if you are prepared and ready to make the most of your limited time. Here’s how to make that happen:
The most important task to do during your lunch break is to eat! You need a healthy, nutritious lunch to keep you energized and help you power through your day. Try to bring something fast and low prep on days that you know your tasks will take all of your break time. For instance, if you are running errands, bring a healthy, pre-made protein shake to enjoy while running around. Meals that require heating up in a microwave take away from your time to complete tasks.
Plan in advance what task will be completed on a certain day. Schedule tasks according to urgency, need and what’s happening at work. Prioritizing your tasks can help you determine what is most urgent or important. Don’t schedule a task that stresses you out (like bill paying or balancing your checkbook) on the same day that you have a big presentation due at work. I try to balance stressful days at work with less stressful lunch break tasks and vice versa. If I know I will have a busy, hard day at work, then I plan to relax during my lunch break. You know what your day looks like and what is best for you. Plan accordingly.
Planning and scheduling your lunch breaks in advance allows you to come prepared to complete your scheduled tasks at work. For instance, if you know your lunch break will be spent paying bills, be sure to bring your checkbook, your bills due, and a calculator so you will have the necessary tools to complete the task. Don’t waste minutes of your lunch break gathering supplies. Be prepared and ready to start the task as soon as you go on lunch.
Evaluate the success of your lunch breaks during the past week. Ask yourself the following questions as you evaluate what was successful and what didn’t work:
- What days were successful? Why?
- What days were not successful? Why?
- Did you take your lunch break at the same time each day? Was that helpful or should you take your break at varying times depending on the task being performed?
- Did you have enough quiet, uninterrupted time during your break to complete your tasks? Were you able to balance your checkbook, pay bills or schedule appointments privately?
- What can you do differently next week to make the unsuccessful lunch breaks/tasks more successful?
A working mom’s time is very precious and limited. Every minute counts. Using your lunch break to complete important, personal tasks like bill paying and meal planning can help you have more free time each evening for the things most important to you. Bringing your lunch, scheduling your tasks, being prepared and evaluating your week are 4 easy tips to help you make your lunch break time even more productive. Let your lunch breaks work for you and save you time!
Ready to take your productivity to the next level and go beyond productive lunch breaks? Learn to be productive in other pockets of idle time throughout your day. Get the FREE guide below!